Prof. Shariat has published over 1400 scientific papers in peer-reviewed journals. In 2014 he received the Matula Award from the European Society of Urology (EAU), and in 2017 the Gold Cystoscope Award from the American Society of Urology, probably the most important urologist award worldwide.
The main difference is that Penomet comes with gaiters and bathmate hydromax pump comes with a comfort ring. Water and air work with Hydromax series and hydroxtreme for enlargement.
To start with we would like to clarify that the Penomet is value for money, but if your funds allow and you would like to get the quickest and also the largest gains, then we would recommend the Bathmate Xtreme pump with a handball pump. This is the best one available on the market as of today.
If, however, that one is too pricey you may want to look at buying the Penomet or just a regular Bathmate Pump. We do not recommend you buy anything which you cannot afford, and we will try our best to show you the best value for money products within your price range.
Pretty much all of them will give you good results, and we recommend all of the ones mentioned. But the subtle differences between them may warrant you choosing a particular one; we will highlight some of these for you so you can make a more informed decision.
A comprehensive comparison between the Bathmate and Penomet Hydro penis pumps from people who have used them.
As you have probably read in other reviews of such products on the Internet, which are done by Internet marketers who have no clue or have never used either one of these pumps you may not be sure as to what to believe. Here at Body Freedom, we have two separate individuals who have used either one and have thoroughly reviewed and documented their progress and experiences.
Their experiences and feedback, we have received from them both give you further insight and cover various things such as what to consider before deciding on either one, things like cost, and the size of the hydro pump you require.
We will discuss similarities and differences in aspects of the ease of use, pressures involved, penis pumping, how to keep it on and fill it up with water.
Some concerns will also be covered such as how comfortable each one is and what is offered to increase comfort and problems which you may face like turkey neck and water retention.
Which Is Better The Bathmate Or Penomet?
As mentioned previously, both of these devices are similar and will, in essence, give you the same results provided consistent use over some time. The main thing is that you keep motivated and vacuum pump regularly, this only requires about 10 to 15 minutes per session.
Due to both of these pumps being so similar, there are two points that you need to consider before deciding on which one to purchase.
The first of these is the amount of money you are willing to spend and also your initial penis size (erect).
The Cost
The original decision on which one to buy should be based on the price and the amount you can afford.
If you can’t afford it, then our recommendation would be to do some manual exercises in the meantime until you can afford it. You will however not see gains as quickly with manual exercises as you will see with a water pump. Plus it is much more enjoyable than an air pump, and you are more likely to keep up the momentum.
The Bathmate Hercules will be your best bet if money is limited.
The Bathmate Hydromax X20, X30, and X40 product line costs slightly more but is far easier to use and provides more powerful suction. Again, please do consider the sizes of each penis enlargement pump because you may not fit into it initially or you may outgrow it quite quickly. It is better to buy one which allows room for growth.
What Is The Best Package For The Regular Models?
For those of you interested in the Penomet, we recommend the premium package that comes with five gaiters, all of them providing different amounts of pressure. The premium package also includes various other freebies that will come in handy.
They will give you three free bottles of cleaning fluid to keep your Penomet hydro pump hygienically clean. It is also large enough to accommodate long-term growth, and it will be the last device of such kind that you will need to buy.
It comes with five gaiters, so if ever one of them becomes faulty (which we have never heard of so far) you have four more to rely upon, and thus, further solidifies the point that you will never need to buy another Penomet penis pump again unless you magically manage to grow a foot long dong. In that case, you would be better off finding yourself a hobby.
Even better than the premium package from Penomet would be the latest Bathmate Xtreme.
Take Into Consideration Your Initial Erect Size
You must take this into account before considering any of the pumps we have mentioned. Anybody new to PE should give more importance to this as they will see the fastest and biggest gains within the shortest time. Newbies tend to grow the most.
If you have never done any form of male enhancement before or generally never used a pump, and you have a penis size of over 7 inches long and 5.75 inches wide then opt for the Bathmate Goliath or the Penomet Premium package.
Don’t get the smaller pump as even though you may fit them now it’s only a matter of time until you outgrow them.
Take this as a warning newbie; you will see gains very quickly. If however, you have a penis that has an erect size of below 7 inches in length and 5.75 inches in girth then you can opt for any Hydromax pump. But don’t get the Goliath until you are big enough.
You Can Check The Table Below To Summarize The Most Appropriate Pump For Your Size.
Let’s Now Look At The Various Similarities. If you have a tiny penis, we wouldn’t advise you to get the Penomet pump as it may be too heavy and you may not be able to achieve a sufficient vacuum seal for it to be held on to your body without using your hands to hold it up. Get the Bathmate Hercules or the X30 as a better choice.
Both are very similar, and a common question for men is to find out which is better. When referring to which is better, generally most people are referring to which one can provide the most amount of pressure. Ultimately it is the amount of pressure that will determine your gains.
The different gaiters for Penomet provide varying amounts of pressure; we advise that you build yourself up until you are comfortable applying more pressure; the Bathmate X40 provides more pressure so you will need to go even slower.
Safety regulations mean that both companies would have to adhere strictly so neither would be able to provide pressure levels above those stated by the rules. If they were to, they would be compromising on your safety which you would probably agree would not be a good idea.
As it stands, they will provide sufficient pressure to increase the size of your penis in both length and girth, to maximize the benefits, and to speed up the gains you should shave or trim your pubic hair for a tighter seal.
Go into the device with a full erection and make sure the cylinder of the pump is filled with warm water right to the top.
Pump incrementally allowing the Xtreme Pump, to adapt and grow as much as possible. If you see the pressure decreasing then, provide further pumps to get a tighter seal. To make your penis adapt faster to the increased pressure you can do Kegels while pumping, this will aid the blood flow to increase into the penis and increase its size. You will also try jelqing before you start your pumping session.
Which Water Penis Pump Is Easier To Use?
This depends on many factors. The device must be relatively easy to use. The ease of use will determine how frequently it is used which in turn will determine the outcome. You need to make sure that you can get the maximum pressure every time. It can get frustrating when you must take the pump and start all over again because you have lost suction or the amount of water is somehow not filling the cylinder.
Filling Up The Cylinder And The Advantages Of Both Devices.
The new Bathmate hydro pump and Penomet pump both have a preventative measure in the head to stop water leakage when you are filling them up. The more filled up with water the cylinder is, the greater the amount of pressure you can generate.
Starting With The First Pump
Better Option: Bathmate Hercules/Goliath
This is just a personal preference from when I tried using both, fill it up with water and press it against your body as quickly as possible, so no water leaks out from the opening of the cylinder.
Keeping It On Once You Have Created The Vacuum Seal.
Once you have created, the vacuum seal both of the devices will be hands-free. The only time you will need to touch them is when you are adjusting the pressure by pumping.
The Penomet doesn’t require any further pumping but it is a larger and heavier device, and if you have a small penis it may tend to droop down after a while if you cannot maintain a firm erection throughout.
To fix this problem, you should use a Bathmate as they have manufactured a shower strap that will stop it from dropping down. The subtle differences are merely just to highlight that there are differences, but these are very insignificant.
Problems You May Run Into… Water Retention
Using any type of suction device for penis enhancement may result in temporary water retention, yet undesirable, it is an entirely harmless side-effect. If you maintain regular use at the recommended 12 to 15 minutes of pumping this will soon go away.
You shouldn’t have this problem with the Bathmate X series and Penomet Pumps, though. The great thing about this is that once you have pumped and increased your size, you can proceed to have sex with your partner. Putting on a condom will not be a problem, and you can experience sex with a massive cock.
How Comfortable Are They? Comfort Ring?
Don’t base your decision simply on the comfort ring. Some of the Bathmate models such as the X30 and x40 include this comfort ring but Hercules, Goliath and Penomet do not. Penomet gaiters are similar though. Either way it doesn’t matter, even on my X40 Pump I remove the support ring and use it without any discomfort.
Advantages of Using The Best Penis Pump
The Bathmate has one specific advantage over all of its competitors. Because the device is all one piece, it allows for doing stretches to increase the speed of length gains individually. This is not exclusive to a particular type of Bathmate penis pump but all of them collectively. This is not possible with the Penomet because the Gator at the base of the pump is a separate attachment.
Are They Easy To Clean?
Cleaning isn’t too difficult as long as you rinse it out pretty much every time you use it. The regular cleaning will keep it fresh for use the next time. I find a long skinny brush that you can buy from your local supermarket will do the trick.
But I Already Have A Pump, Will I Need A Different One?
If you already have a Bathmate; will you need another pump? You have everything you need. Plus you would have become accustomed to using it. The only time you would say you need another pump is if you have or are about to outgrow your old one. Then we would recommend the Bathmate X40, Xtreme, or Penomet Premium package.
Final Thoughts?
Both of these pumps will serve your needs as required. The differences between them are minimal. Either one will provide sufficient suction for you to see gains. If you can afford it, we firmly recommend the Bathmate Xtreme, which would be the last ever pump that you ever have to buy. If funding is a problem, then choose the Full Penomet package or Bathmate Hydromax x30/x40.