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Stephanie S. Gardner, MD

Medical Reviewer

Dr. Stephanie Gardner is a Medical reviewer the at BodyFreedom Collaborative.


Dr. Stephanie S. Gardner is a distinguished dermatologist with over two decades of experience. She graduated from Emory University School of Medicine in 1985 and underwent extensive training in dermatology and internal medicine. Throughout her career, she has excelled in patient care, research, and education, holding positions such as medical director of dermatology at Southeast Permanente Medical Group and clinical instructor at Emory’s School of Medicine.


Dr. Gardner began her medical journey at Emory University School of Medicine. She pursued advanced training in internal medicine and dermatology, receiving accolades for her pioneering research in cardiac disease during her residency.


Dr. Gardner’s personal journey showcases resilience and compassion, spurred by the loss of her husband to melanoma. Her dedication to ocular melanoma research through the Emory Ocular Oncology Foundation is inspiring, as she balances her roles as a dermatologist, educator, and advocate with unwavering resolve.