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Leo Kiralla, M.A.

Psychology Writer

Leo Kiralla, is a psychology writer for the BodyFreedom Collaborative.

Professional Background

Leo Kiralla, M.A., is a tenured faculty member and licensed therapist in Seattle with 16 years of teaching experience. His expertise spans psychology, history, and cultural identity, with research focused on existential phenomenology and the psychology of music. He also advises the Psychology Club, promoting student engagement and academic growth.

Educational Background

Leo’s academic credentials reflect a broad interdisciplinary focus. He obtained a Bachelor of Arts from Loyola Marymount University, then pursued a Master of Arts in History at California State University Los Angeles and another Master of Arts in Psychology from Seattle University. This extensive education underpins his research and teaching strategies, combining insights from both history and psychology.


Born and raised in Southern California, Leo Kiralla now resides in Seattle, where he balances his academic career and private therapy practice. His personal interests are deeply connected to his professional work, especially in the realms of cultural identity, creativity, and music.