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Eric Stewart

Health Writer

Eric Stewart is a health writer for the BodyFreedom Collaborative.

Professional Background

Eric Stewart, an Associate Professor at Bellevue College, teaches project management for healthcare managers and has over 20 years of experience across various industries. He holds PMP and Six Sigma Black Belt certifications and currently leads a data center project for Puget Sound Energy. Stewart has also taught courses for Providence Health & Services and GE Healthcare, contributing to professional development in project management and Lean Six Sigma

Educational Background

Eric Stewart has significantly impacted project management education by developing courses for various institutions. He notably contributed to the PM Skills for Life curriculum, designed for non-project managers and sponsored by the Project Management Institute Education Foundation (PMIEF). Besides teaching at Bellevue College, he also instructs project management certificate courses at Everett Community College’s Corporate and Continuing Education Department.


Eric has spent five years at a major healthcare organization managing process improvement projects. His dedication to teaching and mentoring future leaders in project management is highlighted through various educational and professional roles, reflecting a collective effort by writers, reviewers, and medical experts.